Cloud Security Knowledge Sharing By Guy-Bertrand Kamga

To promote a Secure Cloud-Based Digital Transformation

Tag: Azure Security

DevSecOps in Azure

Azure is one of the popular cloud platforms used nowadays to support the business transformation of several organizations.

These transformations are implemented in an agile mode and with devops culture.

In order to help Azure customers to integrate security in their devops cycles, Microsoft released the Secure DevOps Kit for Azure (AzSK) framework that was initially developed for its internal staff to secure its infrastructure.

This AzSK framework helps Azure customers to integrate security at all stages of the devops lifecycle.

The following posts I released on Peerlyst (InfoSec community) can help you to get started with this framework:

Introduction to Microsoft Azure Security

According to several studies including the RightScale 2018 State of the Cloud Report, although Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the leading platform in the public IaaS/PaaS worldwide cloud market, the adoption of Microsoft Azure is growing faster than for AWS.

Thanks to the significant Microsoft footprint (e.g. Windows OS, Office tools, Active Directory, etc.) within most of organizations, Microsoft Azure is being selected as strategic platform for implementing the public and/or hybrid cloud solutions.

If this is the case for your organization and/or you want to understand the Microsoft Azure security capabilities, the series of posts I released on Peerlyst (web comunity of security professionals) might interest you.

These posts include: